This article will break down the myths and reveal the truth of how to live a satisfied, fulfilled life. It’s going to discuss why so many of us go through our days, months, and even years unhappy despite having so much. Then it’s going to provide a roadmap for how to turn things around. It will show you how to build a dream life without sacrificing the things most important to us. If you’re ready to find life purpose and finally feel like you’re really living, you’re in the right place.

First, let’s talk about why all the wonderful things we have going for us may not feel like enough, even though we know we really are extremely lucky to have them. All day long we are hit with messages that we need material things, beauty, status, money, and other stuff to live happy lives. This comes in the form of advertisements for cars, clothes, gadgets, homes, beauty products, and all kinds of ways to spend money. It also comes from social media and people in our social circles. Some messages are super obvious, while others are quite subtle.

Why bother to find life purpose, anyway?

Let’s face it, anyone with internet access and a device to read this article is doing pretty well in all reality. However, all the messages of more stuff and more spending are contradicting our possible beliefs that we have enough. They’re telling us that we won’t have a really good life, that we won’t be really happy, until we have more. It’s very important to understand that a yearning for more is very, very good, and keeps us moving forward and improving. We just have to make sure our yearnings are focused in the appropriate direction for our actual, true, deep desires.

So, ask yourself this: what do you really, truly, deeply want in life? Is it the focus of those advertisements, social media posts, visions of the lives you view that others have? Could it possibly be something different, something you don’t even fully understand yet?

If it is that luxury car or dream home that will make your life complete, that’s totally fine, absolutely no judgement from me. On the other hand, I have a hunch that if you’re reading this far… those material things may be nice but they won’t really do it for you. Someone like you is searching for, is deeply yearning for something far more meaningful, perhaps so much that it hurts.

I’ve got your back. We’ll do this together. You, my friend, are going to make big things happen. I’m right here with you.

Feeling joy and happiness is wonderful, but it’s meaningless without some contrast – we need the rough patches to fully appreciate the good stuff. Joy and happiness is also amplified when it is shared, and when there is fulfillment beyond simple joys in the moment. We need to find life purpose, reason to push out of our comfort zone for something greater than ourselves. Can you relate? If so, we’re going to get along great, and I can’t wait!

Now, how do we get from this uncomfortable rut to finding life purpose?

I’m so glad you asked! I’ll guide you through step-by-step how to find life purpose that is the right fit for you personally. The key to finding life purpose is to determine the overlap of your passions, your knowledge and skills, and what you like to do. Of course this doesn’t mean you can’t do anything that would require additional training or education. Actually, I find that one of the reasons people are sit back and let their callings pass them by is because they fear the preparation would be too much. For example, someone who has a life purpose of being a nurse and traveling to impoverished countries to serve those in enormous need may think they are unable to fulfill this calling because they chose a different career field and it’s to late to go back to school and change their trajectory.

Let me be very clear: if you are reading this article, it’s most likely NOT too late for you to make a BIG change.

It may or may not be in your best interest to make a commitment further education and/or training required for a specific change. However, before you decide to sweep the possibility under the rug, you have to determine for yourself if you are shutting it down because it really isn’t for you, because it may be a big challenge, or because you have negative beliefs or fears surrounding the idea.

After a few years in the workforce I went back to school for a master’s degree in a completely different field, and then on to a PhD in a different but complimentary field to the master’s degree. There were absolutely times I felt it would be impossible, ridiculous, irresponsible, and a horrible idea to make the switch, which cost me a few years and a few thousand dollars more than it would have cost me if I had just gotten over my doubts and jumped in with both feet. That may or may not be the case for you.

Either way, we’re going to find out. Sitting there thinking maybe the answer will just come one day without any effort is hoping too much and acting too little. So, let’s do this!

Grab a pencil and a notebook designated specifically for creating your dream life, open a fresh new file on your computer, or do whatever you need to do to get ready for some serious processing and planning.

7 Simple Steps to Find Life Purpose

1. What do you like?

Make a list of all the things you like, your passions, that are currently in your life. They can be hobbies, your job, a side gig, anything. Then make a list of all the things (likes, passions, etc.) you would like to be in your life that are currently not (or add them to the list of likes and passions). Try to think big on this one. What would you add to the list if nothing were impossible?

2. What do you know?

Make a list of all the topics you know a lot about. Don’t say nothing. Everyone has topics they know, even if their relevance is completely unclear right now – this process is about making them clear. You can’t make them clear if you leave them off the list.

Then make a list of all the topics you think would be interesting to learn more about (or add them to the list of things you know a lot about).

3. What can you do?

Make a list of all the things you’re really good at doing. Then make a list of all the things you would like to learn how to do or get better at doing (or add them to the list of things you’re already good at doing). Again, don’t say nothing. Everyone has some skills. Write them, even if they seem completely irrelevant. If you don’t know, ask yourself what they would be if you did know. Your brain will find an answer.

4. What lights you up?

Make a list of all the careers, paid or volunteer, that really light you up when you think about them. What movies or stories have really inspired you, and why? Are there any causes or issues in the world that spark your passions? No interest is too small or insignificant. This is all about identifying the areas you care about most. You are the most important part about it, and finding the things interesting to you.

5. What’s most important?

Cross off a few things from each list that don’t really speak to you on a deep level. Then highlight a few things on each list that speak to you on the deepest level. It really doesn’t matter how many things you cross off or highlight. Try to think about and feel what you want to cross off and what you want to highlight. Lose the guilt and the feelings of what you ‘should’ or ‘should not’ do. A specific topic or area of focus may be incredibly worth and important, and it’s okay to cross it off if it’s not right for you.

6. Where’s the overlap?

Look at those lists together and determine the patterns, the places they intersect. Make those intersections into a new list. Look at all your lists and choose your favorite two things from each list. Then add them to your list of intersections. Can you see any new overlaps?

Be creative with this step. Have fun with it. See what kind of seemingly crazy, off the wall connections you can make. Sometimes the most unique ideas are the best ideas. It’s okay, even good, if people do a double take when you tell them about your ideas.

7. What’s the big revelation?

It may be obvious by now what you really want to do, what you need to do. Or, you may be just as confused as ever. Either way is completely fine, and the next step is the same. Ponder it a little. Do what you need to do to search the depths of your being. Take some time to really feel into your true life purpose. You may need to sleep on it (for a few nights). Meditate, take a nature walk, pray, talk to the person or people who share your life, hash it out with your pet, and do whatever works! This exercise can be a great way to sort out what you really want in life. Even so, don’t make any massive life decisions based on a blog post alone. Check in with yourself first.

Bonus step: send me an email. I want know your life purpose ideas.

Email me at and let me know how you do with this. I can’t wait to see what amazing, unique possibilities you think up!

Know you want more in-depth support along the way? Click here to learn more about how to work with me. I would absolutely love to be on this incredible journey with you.

Summary to Find Life Purpose

You are someone who dreams of big things in life. That’s a wonderful trait! Your dreams are possible, and you’re going to make them happen. I’m here guide you along the way. First, it’s time to get clear and find life purpose, your life purpose. Once you’re clear you can make a plan and then really do it (for real this time)!

7 Simple Steps to Find Life Purpose

  1. Make some lists. In the first, write (or type) all the things you like.
  2. Next, make a list of the things you know.
  3. Then make a list of the things you can do.
  4. In the final list, write all the things that light you up.
  5. Decide what is most important from each list.
  6. Determine the overlap of the most important things.
  7. Allow the big revelation to become clear.

This blog post is about seven (7 steps to finding life purpose). Here are more blog posts related to the word ‘seven’ (not life purpose) from other sites:

Seven Reasons I Love Living in the Czech Republic

7 Things to Remember When You Are Feeling Overwhelmed

Seven Easy to Follow Tips for Reading the Bible

7 Ways to Relieve Stress in Children

7 Tips to Sleep Like a Rock

7 Ways to Connect with Your Teen