The worst story in the world is when “someday” becomes never. We’ve all heard it. “Someday” we will have *fill in the blank* or achieve that big dream. That thought is a great spark. It’s the start of making it happen. There are also many steps to take to make those big dreams happen. There are things to do, tasks, and actions to take. It’s so easy to let the busyness take over and push the dream steps and actions to tomorrow. Days, weeks, months, and even years fly by. Before we know it, “someday” becomes never. Don’t let that be your story. Your dream is too important for that. It’s up to you to make “someday” happen, to take those steps that make your dreams come true. No, you don’t have to do it alone, but you do have to take that first step.

Let’s talk about how to make your dream life happen!

How To Overcome Everything and Live Your Dreams

I’m going to lay it all out for you. This pull you feel from somewhere deep inside – it’s real. It’s your calling, your life purpose. Consider it the nudge to get moving and do something bigger. Don’t just consider all the reasons it’s unrealistic or why it can’t happen. Those are all just make excuses your brain makes up to keep you in the safe zone. You have to do something about it, take action, and keep going.

Get clear on what you want and why you want it.

At first, that dream may seem vague. Actually, it may not be visible at all. Sometimes it starts as an itch for something more or a subtle feeling that something is missing. Sit with that. Wonder and let your mind come up with possibilities. Think about what you really like and want, not what you feel you ‘should’ like and want. Don’t worry about what society tells you is ‘normal’ or ‘good’ but what you really want. What excites you, lights you up, or is interesting? Start there and really think about the life you want, even if it seems completely impossible right now. Actually, consider that especially if it seems completely impossible.

Be realistic about the obstacles that stand in your way.

Ignoring possible challenges completely will not serve you or your big dreams. It’s unrealistic, and will only drive your brain crazy. Your brain is presenting those thoughts to you for a reason. Consider them. Acknowledge your brain, and thank your brain for looking out for you. Also, don’t let fears run the show. Determine if those obstacles really are a potential issue. If they are not, reassure yourself and release them. If they are, figure out what to do about them.

You may be wondering how to figure out what to do about real, potential obstacles.

Ask yourself three simple questions to make someday happen.

Dwelling on realities that stand in your way, without taking action, is not helpful. Giving up will not move you forward, either. There are always going to be challenges no matter the path. Generally, the bigger the dreams the bigger the obstacles. No challenge is a massive sign of playing too small. If you want to make “someday” happen you have to learn to work with obstacles. The easiest way to do that is to ask the brain questions in a way that will come up with solutions.

Here are three examples:

  1. How could this challenge be serving me? This question shifts the thought in a way that changes the belief. It can magically turn hopelessness into problem-solving mode.
  2. How can I use this challenge to my advantage? This question takes problem-solving to the next level. It is often the question that transitions the thought patterns into productivity.
  3. How can I make it work anyway? This question is the start of a brainstorm. It doesn’t matter how many ridiculous ideas it creates because eventually there will be a winner.

Asking these questions takes giving up off the table. The help to find a way to make “someday” happen no matter what challenges stand in the way. The brain is incredibly powerful. We just need to know how to use it to our advantage.

Make a plan to achieve your goals, or at least get started.

Not sure what to do or how to get there? None of us do at first, and that’s okay, it’s part of the journey. We don’t start out as the people ready to live our dreams. Instead, we become those people along the way. We grow and change in all the ways we need to in order to become the people we’re meant to be. Start by taking a guess about one strategy that could potentially work. Try it, and adjust the course as needed. You will learn so much as you go. Take one step, and then take another. Things will become more clear with action.

Have a strategy in place for when that plan veers off course.

Things are going to go wrong. You can count on it. Have a plan ready for when they do. What do you think will help you when you hit a wall or feel like giving up? Try writing a pep talk for yourself. Include details about your dream, along with reminders of why it is important to you. Take it out and read it whenever you need.

Surround yourself with supportive people who also make someday happen.

The people in our lives make a difference. Evaluate the people closest to you, the people you spend most of your time with. Do they pull you up or tear you down? Are they aligned with what serves you? If they are a positive influence on you and your dreams, hang on tight to them. Ignore the rest. You may choose to keep some people in your life even if they are negative about your dreams. That’s okay, not everyone is going to understand. Just consider steering clear of this topic with them. No one person can serve every purpose. Have people who are safe to discuss your dreams. If others are not, simply keep your time and conversations with them to other things.

Know that your dreams may shift, and that’s okay. You’re still making someday happen.

Dreams have a tendency to evolve over time. We change, and the world changes. The journey is a learning experience. Often times we discover that what we wanted initially is not what we want later. That’s okay. It’s normal. Shift with it. You may find that your dreams become bigger and bigger as you begin to realize what you are capable of and what is possible. Perfect! It means you’re getting closer to understanding what I see as possible for you. Yes, I believe big in you.

I’m working on some new resources to help you make “someday” happen and live your dreams. Make sure to join my email community here so you get access automatically as soon as they’re available. It’s going to be epic!

Feeling like you want a little more support learning how to make someday happen no matter what obstacles stand in your way? I’ve got your back.

Click here to learn about how we can work together.

This blog post is about someday (how to make someday happen so you can live your dreams). Here are more blog posts related to the word ‘someday’ (but not the same take on making “someday” happen) from other sites:

Someday by Amy Cobb

Your Someday Will Come by Lisa Crowder

Are You Waiting on Someday? by Sharla Hallett

Simple Is Better – The “Some Day” that Doesn’t Ever Quite Happen by Dianne Vielhuber