Start Tomorrow Now

Start Tomorrow Now

The human brain does a fantastic job making decisions in the future. If the goal is to improve health, we can decide to start eating healthier foods, exercising regularly, prioritizing sleep, managing stress, and all the other things we think will improve health. This...
How To Begin a New Career

How To Begin a New Career

Have you ever found yourself in a professional slump? Oh, have I ever been there! It was absolutely unbearable. I knew I wasn’t living up to my full potential and I definitely wasn’t working in a position that aligned with my long-term goals and life...
Make Someday Happen

Make Someday Happen

The worst story in the world is when “someday” becomes never. We’ve all heard it. “Someday” we will have *fill in the blank* or achieve that big dream. That thought is a great spark. It’s the start of making it happen. There are...
Stressed to Calm

Stressed to Calm

One of the most common challenges I hear from my community is stress. There’s a never-ending list of things to do. On top of that, there’s the emotional load of thinking through and keeping track of all the things. Let’s talk about how to shift from...